By Ernestine Miller | Women's Sports Historian, Self Ernestine Miller (left) with 2010 WISE Women of the Year honoree Jean Afterman of the New York Yankees. When you have a passion and a purpose, amazing results are possible. Women in Sports and Events is that amazing result for me and...
By WISE National In 1993, Sue Rodin was confronted with a salary-related issue she believed was gender-based. Seeking guidance, she found very few women to turn to for advice. The experience inspired the informal gathering that grew into WISE, today nearly 20 chapters strong. Below are...
By WISE National In 1993, a small group of women motivated by a lack of career support for females in the business of sports organized a gathering of their peers at a New York City restaurant, planting the seeds for Women in Sports and Events. Twenty-five years later, WISE has established...
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